About Us

Refractoried Ltd. Basic Philosophy

Our corporate philosophy is Ties of Reliability. This represents our belief in the importance of the reliability between Refractories Ltd. and our stakeholders (customers, shareholders, employees, and communities). The reliability forms the foundation of our business and enables us to continue our business activities. And the pillar that supports this foundation of reliability is the cycle of value that exists between company and stakeholder.
The cycle of value is represented by stakeholders entrusting management resources with a company, and that company in turn utilizing those management resources to create added value (assets and profit in the form of products and services) that is returned to the stakeholder. This concept allows us to provide added value to our stakeholders, thus enabling them to achieve their individual goals. Using this cycle of value to earn the reliability our stakeholders place in us, we are able to further ties of reliability between company and stakeholder

Ability to create value

To fulfill our mission upheld by our corporate philosophy, the ability to create added value from the management resources entrusted to us is a must. This is at the root of profitability and we work endlessly to enhance our capabilities.


Fair enterprise management is critical to ensuring a smooth cycle of value. To sustain the cycle of value, we aim for fairness in competition and profit distribution.


We consider the environment a silent stakeholder. The environment is not only one of our business resources, but it is also where all resources come from and finally return to. We keep in mind that a company’s cycle of value is part of the cycle of nature, and aim for harmony between business management and the environment


We conduct sales and operate manufacturing sites around the world. As a result, our stakeholders span the entire globe. We are committed to fairness, ecology, and maintaining the ability to create value that is applicable worldwide. We will practice and promote our cycle of value on a global scale.
By applying the following four guidelines, the Refractories Ltd. will continue pursuing our corporate philosophy through our unique activities as a manufacturer of different materials.

Code of Ethics

The Refractories Ltd. Code of Ethics outlines matters to be observed by the Company, including all our directors and employees, to ensure the promotion of fair business activities under the company’s basic philosophy and guidelines.

Fair business activities
The company’s business activities shall be conducted through fair competition, and sound and normal relations should be maintained with government and administrative organizations, customers, suppliers, etc.

The company’s business activities shall be conducted in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, based on social norms and common sense.

Information disclosure
Active, timely, and appropriate information disclosure shall be pursued to enhance the transparency of business activities.

Appropriate management of information
Company information, information originating outside the company, and intellectual property and other third party rights shall be managed appropriately.

Respect for human rights
Fundamental human rights and privacy shall be considered to ensure a sound working environment that respects individual personalities and characters.

Severing relationships with antisocial forces
The company will sever and block relationships with antisocial forces, groups, and individuals that threaten the order and safety of civil society, and will take systematic and decisive action in response to improper requests.

Respect for overseas cultures and customs
Company business activities abroad shall be conducted in compliance with the laws of each country and international rules and in respect for the cultures and customs of each country.

Response to breach of the Refractories Ltd. Code of Ethics
In the event of breach of the Refractories Ltd. Code of Ethics, top management shall be directly involved in settling the matter, including investigating cause and implementing measures to prevent recurrence